Sam Hawken, writer-guy

Feeling groovy.

I must say, I’m feeling pretty good about myself these days and where I stand. Having that moment where I finished work on Camaro and realized that the next step is entirely up to me? Clarifying. More people ought to have the opportunity to have that kind of epiphany.

A few days ago, I discussed how it’s funny to look back and see the plans I made with such certainty come to nothing. I don’t find it frustrating because I realize that once the time came to enact those plans, I’d gained enough insight to say they weren’t the right choice. It takes genuine self-assurance to make those calls. And I know this because I’ve spent an enormous amount of my life worrying over every last detail and bitterly regretting the roads not taken.

Regret is no good. It reveals inflexible thinking. Things had to go a certain way, or they went the wrong way. Every decision, once made, must be followed through to the letter, or it’s a failure. And so on.

You know how they say it’s better to bend than to break? This is what they’re talking about. So long as you’re making thoughtful decisions, you’re doing the right thing. But if you’re acting out of panic, worry, anger, or some other negative emotion, you’re doing yourself a disservice.

It’s okay to change your mind. You haven’t failed yourself or anyone else by showing you can bend. If anything, you’re growing past the point many do.