Sam Hawken, writer-guy

One... more... feature!

Before I used Bear Blog, I used, a service not too different, just with many more features—mostly superfluous features, but more features nonetheless. I eventually decided I didn’t need those things, but there’s one I wouldn’t mind having again.

M.b allowed users to display RSS feeds in their “timeline,” which meant I could consolidate things like my Letterboxd account into a single online presence everyone could enjoy. You didn’t have to track down my scattered internet existence to get everything.

This is good because it allows me to share only those things that are absolutely essential. On the other hand, it requires me to manually include things I’d rather share automatically on a case-by-case basis, so it’s a give-and-take situation.

I don’t miss everything else, though. I don’t need anything to track my reading or such. If I want that functionality, I can go somewhere like The Storygraph and work from there. Having all that stuff added to a blogging outlet is wholly unnecessary. And don’t get me started about the inherent shallowness of “microblogging,” which is just tweeting by another name.

I left Twitter/X many years ago. Social media is social media, and I’ve had a bellyful of that. I’ll leave the screeching of internet monkeys to everyone else.

Anyway, if I need to share something from another source, I’ll manually link it and work from there. Anyone interested won’t even be able to tell the difference.